Crack cocaine

Crack cocaine is a stimulant drug with powerful but short-lived effects. It originates from the leaves of the coca plant, native to South America.

The desired effects of crack cocaine use include feelings of increased confidence, energy and alertness, as well as a decrease in tiredness, appetite and sleep. Unwanted effects can include fear, irritation, anxiety, paranoia, impaired judgment and disturbed sleep.

Crack cocaine is a form of cocaine that has been processed to make a white/off white rock crystal, about the size of a raisin. Cocaine is a white powder.

Crack cocaine is usually smoked in a pipe, glass tube, plastic bottle or in foil. Some people also choose to inject it.

  • Cocaine is psychologically addictive and can become an expensive habit.
  • People who use cocaine can suffer heart attacks or strokes. The risk increases for anyone who has high blood pressure or a heart condition.
  • The comedown sometimes lasts for days after and can often make people feel depressed and run down.
  • You increase the risk to yourself if you combine alcohol with cocaine or another substance that causes a high.
  • Control Usage: Avoid bingeing and excessive dosing to reduce the risk of overdose.
  • Avoid Mixing: Don't combine crack cocaine with other substances to prevent dangerous interactions.
  • Safe Environment: Use in a secure indoor space with proper ventilation to minimise harm.
  • Stay Supported: Use with trusted friends who can help if things go wrong.
  • Recognise Overdose: Know the signs of overdose and seek help immediately if needed.
  • Seek Assistance: If struggling with crack cocaine use, reach out for professional help and support.